Friday, January 22, 2010

The Equity Principal

The core idea of the equity principal of mathematics is that all students are entitled to mathematic education which is challenging, meaningful and purposeful. Teachers do not have the right to choose which students will be successful and unsuccessful in mathematics; rather, it is their responsibility to make every effort to see that each and every child is able to be taught and able to learn mathematics. Sometimes this means that special accommodations must be made to reach the specific needs of the child. One of the key dispositions that all teachers must have is high expectations for all their students, free of discrimination of all types. Technology is a tool that can be used to reach students who would otherwise struggle. New technologies can help overcome language barriers and assist students with learning disabilities. Furthermore, in the teaching profession, equity requires the support of the school administration. Teachers must be supplied with the technology, funds, time and personal support to make this concept a reality.

One of the notes that really resonated with me was the final comment that the author made to the teachers personal biases. It is so disappointing that in this day and age we still must confront prejudices and preconceived notions about a child’s ability to be successful in education based on color, sex or economic status (among many others). This is a challenge that as educators we must confront daily, to fight for the rights of children.

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